- Compliant with MIPI Display Serial Interface
- Supports Command and Video Mode
- 2.5 Gbps D-PHY and 2.5Gsps C-PHY data transfer rate per data lane
- Scalable 1 to 3 data lane configuration in C-PHY, 1 to 4 in D-PHY
- Supports detailed protocol testing including full use case scenarios
- Support detailed low-level C-PHY debug, including wire states, symbols, and PHY data
- Self-checking, seed–based test case generation
- Complex event-based transaction capture for detailed self-checking and debug
- Scoreboard received data and errors for off-line debug and statistical analysis
- Advanced test creation environment with portability to pre-silicon and repeatable test cases, using DSI-2 test suite.
DSI Protocol Capabilities
- Compliant with MIPI Display Serial Interface (DSI v2.0) & C-PHY (v1.0) specifications
- Supports MIPI DSI Transmitter Protocol Conformance (v1.04) with Test Suite
- Provides MIPI DSI-2 analyzer capabilities
- Supports 80Msps to 2.5 Gsps data transfer rate per C-PHY Data Lane in HS mode
- Supports LPDT and RLPDT operation from 1-10MHz.
- Scalable 1 to 4 Data Lane configuration
- Virtual channel support
- Supports Generic and DCS commands
- Operates in continuous and non-continuous clock modes
- Supports Command and Video modes
- Supports Burst and non-Burst with sync event modes
- Low level C-PHY wire state capture/debug capability
- Video Mode for fast multi-frame capture and compare on the fly
- Fully supports bit error detection, correction, and handling of error packets
- Supports Triggers
- Robust event-based debug
- Supports tearing effect commands
Regressions, Debugging, and Coverage
The DSI-2/CPHY IA has a robust event-based infrastructure that is used for capturing detailed data during execution of tests. Using this data, real-time viewing of DSI-2 & CPHY operation is simple. For example, time-correlated viewing of CPHY and DSI-2 events, both HS and LP, including errors. Also, per-lane C-PHY wire states, symbols, and PHY output data can be viewed and correlated with high-level protocol, to debug lane errors for example.
The DSI-2/CPHY IA comes with a test suite that can be the basis of a DSI-2 CTS regression suite. The DSI-2/CPHY IA has a powerful programming API that accesses all of the instrument capabilities, and provides for thorough self-checking using events and statistics. A basic GUI is also available, including a data-logger for regressions.
In addition, the same event infrastructure can be used to build a functional coverage model. This model can be imported into a UCDB – Unified Coverage Data Base – that may be shared with pre-silicon, or into a separate post-silicon database.
DSI 2.0 w/C-PHY Intelligent Analyzer datasheet is available here.