Test Evolution offers a broad spectrum of software and hardware products to cover the entire device continuum. And they are designed to work together to provide leverage across the entire product development workflow, providing benefits to design engineers, software developers, product engineers and test engineers
Semiconductor Test Solutions
The same TIP-based testing can be carried forward into silicon characterization and production test. Our standards-based testers include modular AXIe instrumentation to add structural testing as well as parametric testing to the mix. And our tester operating system software makes it simple to expand from single-site to multi-site testing to maximize throughput.
Intelligent Instruments
TEV Intelligent Instruments take protocol testing to the next level, adding features that allow complex functional testing, randomized (write once, run many) test cases, and functional coverage. Coupled with a robust programming environment that supports these features, and detailed debugging information, TEV Intelligent Instruments allow quick bring up and regressions for a quality customer product.